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Parent Information


Kalamunda Primary P&C Association


Facebook Page:

School Hours


  • 8.40 am        Classes Open

  • 8.50 am        Lessons commence

  • 10.38 am      Morning recess

  • 10.58 am      Lessons recommence

  • 12.46 pm      Lunch

  • 1.26 pm        Lessons recommence

  • 3.00 pm        School finishes

Voluntary Contributions

The Department of Education allows the Principal to establish funds from parent contributions for school facilities.  These contributions are authorised by the School Council.  In addition our Parent and Citizens’ Association asks for a voluntary contribution from each family as part of their fundraising for the year.  These are published in Term 4 ready for the following year.

Other Charges


Kalamunda Primary offers enrichment activities such as whole school incursions and class excursions during the year to support and enhance your child’s learning.  Should any payment difficulties arise flexible payment options can be easily arranged with the office staff.

Student Requirements


Personal Items Booklists will be distributed near the end of each year. Parents can order the list online via Campion Education or from the supplier of their choice. 

Student Requirements all years PDF 2024

Newsletters & Announcements


Newsletters informing parents of coming events, activities, policies and general information are issued via Connect every Wednesday. Announcements and reminders are also released on Connect and occasionally via text.



Parent assemblies are generally held every second Friday at 8.50am in the school hall, watch the school newsletter for exact dates.  Parents and friends are welcome to attend all assemblies.  This is a time for public recognition of achievement and for classes to display aspects of curriculum through assembly items. Between parent assemblies student pastoral care assemblies are held. 

School Psychologist & Community

Health Nurse


The Community Health Nurse will carry out checks on students such as routine screening for vision and hearing.  This is done for all students in early childhood.  This school has the services of a School Psychologist to help with issues that impact a child’s learning. Enquiries can be made via the Administration team. 

Dental Therapy


The WA Department of Health operates a Dental Therapy Centre on the school site.  It is staffed by a Dental Therapist and a Dental Nurse and has a consulting Dentist. Please contact the Dental Therapy Centre directly on 9293 2801

Credit Card Link for Payments
Use surname as a reference.


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